I-Go PowerGlide
I-Go PowerGlide
I-Go PowerGlide
I-Go PowerGlide
I-Go PowerGlide

Product Specifications

Max Range

10 miles

Max Weight

18st 2lbs (115 kg)

Fit Chair Width

16-22 inches (40-55 cm)

Carry Weight

1 st 4 lbs (8 kg)

Product Weight

2 st 3 lbs (14 kg)

Battery Size


I-Go PowerGlide

Turn a standard wheelchair into a powered wheelchair with the i-Go PowerGlide. This amazing wheelchair accessory fits easily onto most wheelchairs giving you a powereful electric motor to power the wheelchair for your caregiver.

Fitting the i-Go PowerGlide is simple. Attach the power unit to the frame of your wheelchair. The controls are mounted on the wheelchair handles for your caregiver to control.

The joytsick allows your caregiver to easily manoeuvre your wheelchair forwards or backwards. The trigger throttle is easy to use and located on the wheelchair’s handles.

To control the speed your caregiver can simply adjust the variable speed dial. You can adjust as you need depending on your setting. Whether you’re shopping in town or negotiating more difficult terrain.

The PowerGlide uses a twin-wheel design, delivering the drive to travel over steep or rough ground whilst keeping you and your caregiver in complete control of the wheelchair.

The PowerGlide is designed to be easily transported. It’s lightweight at a mere 14kg (8kg with the battery removed), making it easy to lift in and out of a car boot or cupboard.

With a full charge , the 12v 20Ah battery provides 10 miles of uninterrupted travel.

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